Sunday, July 17, 2011

Marriage by Trader Joe's

Yesterday we were shopping at Trader Joe's.  It was a normal shopping trip.  But when we were checking out, the cashier referred to Lisette as my wife.  Well, I guess marriage by Trader Joe's wasn't too bad, right?  At least it was free!  And finally, someone doesn't just automatically assume we are friends even though she's wearing an engagement ring.

On a more serious note, we went to the zoo to look at wedding facilities.  Yes, the zoo!  If we have it there, we'll get to be married by the gorillas and pandas.  Well, the pandas probably will sleep through the whole thing but the gorillas are definitely active.

So we'll see!  So far, it's the better place we've been to as far as wedding venue goes.


  1. That's great! I didn't realize there are pandas in the Atlanta Zoo. I thought there are pandas only in Washington DC and San Diego Zoos in the US.

  2. Oh no, there are 3 of them indeed.
